Mike Bashford

As a child I thought the little glass animals you could buy at festivals were amazing and I loved watching them being made.  Decades later, I jumped at the chance to learn how to melt glass in the flame.  I was instantly hooked.  I’ve always loved creating things but never found a medium that I could make work for me.  Glass has become that medium.  I have slowly learned to work different ways with different kinds of glass and now incorporate them all into my work. 

I love the way glass moves and flows, whether in a kiln or a flame, and the way colors of glass react with each other and the chemistry of the flame to create new colors.  I like more organic, natural works where the glass does what it wants and then I work it into a functional form.  This might be a plate, bowl, vase, or piece of jewelry.  Some days I need more order, and then rely on the geometry of straight lines and sharp corners.  Of course, sometimes I have to try and make those little glass animals from my childhood.